EL CUERPO VACÍO/ laboratorio de pensamiento en acción / Shantí Vera
EMPTY BODY / laboratory of thought into action
From the question “How to live, act and think with global capitalism integrated to settle another world of possible?”. Different starting points are discussed that allow to find, discover and detonate lines of escape from the body and its natural and cultural content. These lines of escape pretend the inclusion of seemingly fragile concepts such as emptiness, vulnerability, uselessness, the unskilled, the fragility and infralight, wide concepts that influence to articulate and live all the time through critical thinking, reflective and intuitive allowing lost and fall within the not traditionally established in order to release and re-discover the individual and collective body in a conscious relationship with gravity, space, time, and especially: the context.
Playing concepts
-The body geographic-The body context- The decentralized body
-The body and its own content
-The gravity body
-The rhizome body – the internal body - multi body
-The collective equipment from a particular context
-The body Natural entity / Body cultural entity
-The subject body / The body object
-The architecture of the body / The architecture of gaze
-The hypersensitive body / The event body / The amisso body
-The enunciation from the individual and from the collective
-The map
-The Paranoid-Critical Method / The association
-The Method Lucid Madness / Misrepresentation
-Gravity / Falling
-The radicalization of the spiral
-The relational
-The event
-Clamping-Objection-Starting point
-The observation
1. The participants articulate individually and collectively the need to raise and reframe questions that expand and release the body from its natural and cultural entity.
2. Introduce dynamism to the participants that from the body-thinking action choose an escape from the dominant redundancies scene.
3. Participants will articulate an amissa philosophy allowing the development of their own body dramaturgy, in which the body is enunciated as long speech of personal content, and from the physicality let us discover other possible worlds of reception, perception, observation, action, thought, presence, belonging and connection.
4. Insert the urgency of observation.
5. Rethink the idea of inhabiting time and space through the association, misrepresentation, emancipation of knowledge and questioning the actions and decisions that put us in the processes of creation in the scene.
6. Detonate a group of enunciation that exposes the need to articulate everything from an observation level event, where the body is living in relationship with, from, to, by, and for the other.
7. Establish a habitat where perception and reception of the body and the bodies are placed in continuous relationship with, from, to, by and for the space and time.
laboratorio de imaginación, creación, coreografía, escena y pensamiento / Shantí Vera
CONSIDERATIONS FOR CULTIVATING VOLCANES/ laboratory of imagination, creation, choreography, scene and thought.
This theoretical-practical workshop proposes the creation of a space for reflection, research and experimentation in which the scene is proposed as a space to put the body as the first territory of sensitive thought and sensitive encounter with the other, with the world. It is a space to recognize and question the processes of imagination (rostrality) in which we are immersed. Students/artists are placed in methods to reflect and relearn about the scene and the body, and expose them as sensitive spaces of <intuitive> thought in which it is possible to create and name other ways of thinking, feeling and inhabiting; to create and name other worlds, bodies, problems, links, perceptions and dimensions, and from this to exercise a personal creative practice.
It exposes the stage, choreography, dance, theater and the body as territories of residence for the sensitive. This workshop has a wide bibliography that is shared with the participants as a fertile field where they will be able to take flight for their personal intuitions. The authors that integrate this bibliography are G. Deluze, F. Guattari, G. Harman, M. Garcés, M. Zambrano, J. Ranciere, C. Galhós, A. Tarkovsky, J. Cage, H. T. Lehman, O. Elliason, E. Sábato, M. Valenciano, F. Renjifo, S. Alba Rico, Kandinsky and Cuatro X Cuatro.
How do you imagine a body in between?
What does a body enter can?
What does a body enter forget?
What does a body enter want?
What does a body enterresist?
What /. || ¬-(//oo^ a body enter?
How do you imagine a bridge?
What are the dominant exercises of rostrality that we recognize in our imaginary?
How to free ourselves from the points of subjectivation that fix us, that nail us to the dominant reality?
How to inhabit, to act, to think, to body and to relate to each other in the integrated world capitalism in order to advent other possible ones?
What advice is time giving us?
What is the time of capitalism?
What advice is space giving us?
How to look south?
What is the place of the bodies in the integrated capital world?
How do you imagine without reference?
How do you imagine the unimaginable?
What is the sensible?
What does the day sound like?
How to connect with magical thinking?
How to interrupt the sense of the world?
How many types of lines are there in the world?
ILEGAL/ laboratorio de cuerpos.
ILEGAL/ laboratorio de cuerpos
Hacía lo ILEGAL y lo INÚTIL / laboratorio de guerrillas.
-Ilegal es un laboratorio de cuerpos que organiza espacios para co-existir, pensar, bailar y cuerpear.
-Ilegal prioriza el pensamiento y la práctica de cada inviduo que lo integra.
-Ilegal es un espacio para bailar.
-Ilegal reflexiona sobre el lugar del cuerpo en el mundo capital y en el mundo occidental.
-Ilegal es un espacio para pensar.
-Ilegal acciona hacía el derecho de ser inútil en estos tiempos de búsqueda de máximo beneficio y culto al utilitarismo.
-Ilegal no produce nada, solo está ahí frente a otr#s existiendo, siendo, deshaciéndose de si, vaciándose, olvidándose, agrietándose.
-Ilegal es un espacio para cuerpear.
-Ilegal no hace manifiestos, es manifiesto en si.
-Ilegal es un espacio para encontrarse con otr#s.
-Ilegal pone al afecto como una potencia que transforma espacios hacía el pro-común.
-Ilegal es un espacio para defender el derecho al encuentro con los otr#s.
-Ilegal pone al cuerpo como primer territorio de encuentro.
-Ilegal es un espacio para tocarse.
-Ilegal cuestiona cualquier estructura por eso nunca llega a nada.
-Ilegal es un espacio para la exposición de ideas ambiguas.
-Ilegal no existe, se hace existir a través de vari#s cuerpos provenientes de diversas prácticas que se encuentran para estar junt#s en un cerro de Chiapas.
-Ilegal es un espacio para escuchar.
-Ilegal detona experiencias de atención para aprender en conjunto.
-Ilegal es un espacio para abrazar la diferencia.
-Ilegal es un laboratorio que pretende trazar caminos en donde aún no los hay.
-Ilegal es una fiesta.
-Ilegal es el derecho de pensar en un mundo que está construido para que tu no pienses.
-Ilegal es una fiesta.
-Ilegal es un espacio que piensa moviéndose.
-Ilegal es un lugar de encuentro, implicación y co-existencia.
ILEGAL se ha desarrollado un par de veces en San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México, dentro del Festival4x4.
Copyright © 2015